Entries from 2019-05-01 to 1 month


読みたいほ〜ん! honz.jp www.youtube.com 要は、相手は、何を伝えたいのかだけを聞いている。 化粧品成分表示のかんたん読み方手帳 https://www.amazon.co.jp/化粧品成分表示のかんたん読み方手帳-久光-一誠/dp/4522434847

favorite dramas

High School Musical Devil wears Prada 13 reasons why How to get away with murder Scandal Glee Drop Dead Diva The Fosters Gossip Girl Prison Break Game of Thrones Revenge Once upon a time Castle Sweet life Hannah Montana Good luck Charle Sh…


忘備録として、行ってみたいJAZZバーを書き留めておきます。 Maduro 六本木 retty.me Ken's bar 京橋店 www.kensbar-bourbon.com ニューヨークバー パークハイアット www.yadoran.jp blue note Tokyo www.bluenote.co.jp Ginza Blue eyes www.miles5.co.jp

Treat your life to live better.

I've met a girl in other contry. She saild that she are controlling souls in her life, that's how she have a relationship with herself and others. According to her, everything has souls, even in desks, chairs, trees, and winds. She sees th…


六本木クロッシング2019展 www.mori.art.museum PIXARのひみつ展 www.tokyocityview.com information or inspiration? 左脳と右脳でたのしむ日本の美 5/25(土)18-23 www.suntory.co.jp ル・コルビジェ 絵画から建築へーピュリズムの時代 lecorbusier20…


You are the one who’s gonna have to live with this decision for the rest of your life. I would never put my fate in someone else's hands. Love is how you understand infinity. 1 You are the one who’s gonna have to live with this decision fo…